TeamstersCare 25 TeamstersCare 25

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Continuing Coverage

After you’ve become eligible for the first time (regardless of what month your eligibility starts), you’ll remain eligible through the next eligibility review date. These dates fall on January 31, April 30, July 31 and October 31.

On each of these eligibility review dates, we’ll look at the total number of hours you worked during the preceding three-month period. As long as you worked at least 400 hours during that fixed three-month period, you’ll continue to be eligible for TeamstersCare benefits for the next three months going forward.

If you have worked less than 400 hours, you may continue your eligibility if both of the following conditions are true:

  • Your employer has made contributions of at least 1,800 hours during the previous 12 months on your behalf.
  • You have worked at least one hour in the current eligibility determination period and we have proof that you continue to work for a contributing TeamstersCare employer.

You may also be eligible to buy up hours.

Please Note: The first time you become eligible for TeamstersCare benefits, you are entitled to no less than three months of coverage. This means that if the period between the day you first become eligible to the next eligibility review date is less than three months, your eligibility will be automatically extended.


*You must provide proof of continued employment in either the month before the eligibility coverage period or the first month of the new eligibility coverage period to be eligible for the 1800-hour look-back rule.