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August 2022 is Financial Health Month
Is financial stress bringing you down?
A 2021 survey found that 65% of Americans feel stressed about money. The stress of making ends meet and saving for emergencies and long-term goals can be difficult if you’re also dealing with excessive debt. Financial wellness is directly related to your overall well-being and your work productivity. The more financial stress you have, the greater the risk of developing stress-related illnesses.
Stress becomes unhealthy when it is unrelenting. Chronic stress can lead to physical problems such as headaches and stomach aches. It may cause mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. Over time, the toll of stress on the body accumulates and can contribute to diseases such as heart disease or diabetes.
Try not to let your finances bring you down. Here are some tips to help manage financial stress:
Track spending.
Keep a daily list of how you spend money.
Identify stressors, and make a plan.
It’s stressful to think about financial problems, but facing them and creating a plan can relieve that stress in the long term.
Watch for unhealthy reactions to stress.
Consider getting help from a psychologist or community mental health clinic if you use unhealthy behaviors to cope.
Avoid temptation.
Leave credit cards at home, and only carry the amount of cash you can afford to spend. Find alternatives if you use shopping to relax or socialize.
Space out your financial decisions.
Willpower can get depleted when tested repeatedly in a short span of time.
Find support.
Surround yourself with people who want to help you succeed.
Remember what’s important.
Relationships matter more than material objects.
If you feel like your stress is becoming a problem, reach out to a healthcare professional. A medical provider will be able to assess your symptoms and create a healthcare plan that is right for you.
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