Did you know that a 90-day supply of a generic prescription at the TeamstersCare walk-in pharmacies only costs $5; and a brand name medication when no generic is available only costs $15?
December Newsletter: Stress Management
Cut Your Holiday Travel Stress
Book early
Set your travel plans as early as possible to get cheaper deals and more flexible schedules.
Let’s get digital
Before you leave home, download plenty of entertainment to your digital device. The familiarity of a favorite show or video game fights boredom and stress.
Travel light
Even if you’re checking bags, consider shipping gifts and non-essentials ahead of time. You’ll cut down luggage hassle and how much you have to drag around.
Plan for delays
Prepare mentally to be delayed or rerouted. It’ll help you take charge, minimize stress, and figure out Plan B.
Remember: others are stressed too
Holiday travel is hectic for all involved. Take deep breaths, put a smile on your face, and stay positive.
Stay healthy
Winter travel raises the risk of illness. Plan ahead by getting a flu shot or nasal flu vaccine. Wash your hands often and carry antibacterial hand gel to ward off germs.
Conquer the roads
Get an early start to avoid the heaviest traffic. Try to make the drive fun. Involve the kids by singing and playing games. Stop often to stretch your leg