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February Heart Health
Be Kind, Be Healthy
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Developing studies suggest that positive and negative outlooks on life can affect your physical health.
One way to increase positivity and emotional well-being is showing kindness to others. Showing kindness can trigger “reward” pathways in your brain and lead to feelings of happiness and well-being. Continuous activation of this part of the brain has been linked to lower levels of stress hormones. Reducing your stress can have a considerable impact on lowering your blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy.
Be mindful of kindness as you go about your day. Hold the door for people, compliment them, and provide help to those who need it. Volunteering for a local shelter or charity can also be a great way to increase positivity in your life.
Boost your positivity and your health by participating in the challenge in this month’s newsletter!