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June 2024 is Fireworks Eye Safety Month
Enjoy a safe show
Each year, thousands of Americans visit emergency rooms for fireworks-related injuries. Thirty-five percent of those injured are under the age of 15. Regulations have helped make fireworks safer, but they remain an inherently dangerous risk for the eyes.
Firecrackers can cause eye injuries if they erupt at close range. Someone inspecting a firecracker that failed to go off could be the victim of a delayed explosion.
Bottle rockets
Bottle rockets are responsible for some of the most serious eye injuries. These fireworks fly erratically and then explode. They can cause everything from eyelid lacerations to total blindness.
Sparklers can burn at up to 1,800°F, hot enough for third-degree burns. In the dark, it can be difficult to determine the distance between the end of a lit sparkler and a person’s face.
The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public display conducted by trained pyrotechnicians. Prevent Blindness America, the American Academy of Opthalmology, and the National Fire Protection Association agree that it’s best to leave firework shows to the professionals.
Regular eye exams are important
Eye exams aren’t just for correcting vision issues. They are also key in the early detection of systemic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Your eye exam is one of the most important preventative care services available to you.