Did you know that your dependent children can be eligible for benefits up to the end of the month they turn age 26?
June is Men’s Health Month
Men and Depression
Mental health is important to your overall well-being just as much as nutrition, exercise, or even oxygen. But when it comes to mental health issues, such as depression, men are less likely to speak up or seek help. Depression can affect any man at any age or stage of life, and genetics can increase chances of developing the condition. Environmental stressors such as finances, relationships, and life changes can also trigger depression. Depression is not a sign of weakness — it is a serious health condition that can impact every aspect of daily life.
If men don’t talk to their friends or family about their depression, it can be difficult for anyone to know that something is wrong. Men often show signs of depression differently than women. While sadness and hopelessness are often associated with depression, men may be more likely to exhibit other signs such as anger or aggression. Men with depression may also feel very tired as they are more likely to have difficulty sleeping than women who have depression. Symptoms can also appear as physical issues such as a racing heart, tightening chest, ongoing headaches, or digestive issues. Men may have a hard time realizing how much their depression is affecting their lives and may downplay any symptoms.
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression for both men and women is an important step toward providing support to individuals who need it. Letting the people in your life know that they aren’t alone can trigger a course of action.
Don’t be afraid to seek help when you aren’t feeling like yourself. Reach out to your provider if you are feeling symptoms of depression. Together, you can explore the treatment options available to you.
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