Did you know that TeamstersCare provides its members and their families with many routine dental services at no cost or a small copay at its three dental offices in Chelmsford, Stoughton and Charlestown?
You’ve Seen the Headlines… Prescription Drug Abuse, Opioid Addiction, Overdose Deaths.
Addiction does NOT Discriminate …Teamsters are affected
Q: Where Do I Start?
A: Call TeamstersCare EAP (Employee Assistance Program)
- Call 1-800-851-8326 for a free non-judgmental personalized consultation
- Teamsters Helping Teamsters
- Your employer won’t know you met with EAP – it’s confidential
- We’ll discuss types of treatment options based on your individual situation
- Avoid becoming a statistic
- There is hope
- For more information…
Click Here to View TeamstersCare Opioid Brochure